Join Friends!

Individual Membership is $10 a year with early viewing of the Book Sales (9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m.)
Family Memberships are $15 for the year. Family Memberships include 2 adults and children under 16 years of age.
Lifetime Memberships are $100.

When you join Friends of Lansing Public Library your membership plays a valuable role in library service to the community. Members enjoy early admission to the Friends Book Sale, and the satisfaction of taking an active role in making Lansing a better place to live!

No time commitment is required for membership, but volunteers are needed to make Friends of Lansing Public Library a success! Anyone can become a member! (Lansing residency not required.) Individuals, families, local businesses and corporations are all encouraged to join and make a difference!

What does the Friends group do?

Friends of Lansing Public Library is a non-profit organization that raises funds to provide Events and purchase materials and equipment beyond the library budget.

Friends of Lansing Public Library shall:

  • Promote interest in the use of the library's resources and services
  • Encourage gifts, endowments, and bequests to benefit the library
  • Sponsor special events for the purpose of raising funds for equipment, books, and activities, which are beyond the tax-supported budget

Friends Elections, Officers & Committees

All officers shall be elected at the January meeting for a term of (1) year.
They may be re-elected.

Elections will be for the following positions:

  • President shall plan for and preside at meetings of Friends of Lansing Public Library. The President will also serve as the designated liaison with Lansing Public Library's Adult Services Department.
  • Vice President shall assist the President in the duties.
  • Secretary shall record the minutes of the meetings and present them at the next meeting.
  • Treasurer shall give an account at each meeting of all funds collected and disbursed by Friends of Lansing Public Library and deposit such funds in the Friends of Lansing Public Library account to be established at a local bank.

Committees of volunteers will be formed for fundraising activities.


January (officer election)