About Us

Lansing Public Library owns over 59,000 books, and subscribes to over 125 magazines and newspapers, and subscribes to a variety of downloadable and streaming content.
- We loan a variety of DVDs for all interests.
- We loan a variety of CDs for all musical tastes.
- We provide access to online databases for research.
- We provide free access to Internet service (60 minutes per day, with extensions when demand is low) and offer low cost printing solutions: 15¢ per page for black & white, 15¢ per page for color printouts.
- Our library has trained reference staff to help you with your research needs, whether for homework assignments, high school research assignments, college term papers, personal interest, or any other informational need.
InterLibrary Loan Service provides access to materials from other libraries. The library can borrow, on your behalf, material from other libraries in Illinois and out of state. Material is delivered to Lansing Public Library for you to check out. You may request your own items from SWAN libraries!
Our Readers' Advisory Service has trained staff to help you with your recreational reading needs. They can recommend a good book, provide you with a reading list, or just help you find a book on the shelf.
Adult Information staff provide a full range of programming and events for adult readers including speakers, book discussion groups, reading clubs and more.
Youth Services staff provide a full range of services for children from birth through grade 5, including story times, special events and Events, reading clubs and research assistance.
Teen Services staff are devoted to teens in grades 6-12, and provide special events and Events, reading clubs, research assistance, and can recommend a good book!
Lansing Public Library card holders enjoy reciprocal borrowing privileges at all SWAN & RAILS System libraries.